How Can I Look Attractive

    Fitness: Exercise. If you are at an ideal weight, but want to tone up a bit, try doing small exercises such as sit ups, push ups, weight lifting etc. Aim to do at least one set every morning and another every night. If you are already completely happy with your weight, you can skip this part. Try sports such as swimming and biking, or even running up and down the stairs every now and then! If you are overweight or unhappy with your current weight, consult your doctor.

    Body: To get smooth and silky skin, buy a nice smelling body exfoliator that isn't to harsh but does the job. If you want, shave/wax/use removal cream to get rid of leg hair. Follow by a rich body butter all over.
    Face: Take care of your complexion. This is one of the hardest because everyone has different skin types and there are so many products out there. Ideally, use a good exfoliator in the morning, and a cleanser in the evening. Always wash your face morning and evening. Even missing out one night could result in a couple of spots the next morning. Use a toner if you think its needed, and a mosturizer to follow. Use a mask once or twice a week, and invest in a spot cream.
    Teeth: Brush your teeth for about two minutes twice a day, floss and use a mouthwash. If you have yellow teeth, use a whitening toothpaste. If you are unhappy with your teeth and think you need braces, talk to your dentist. Visit the dentist every six months.
    Personal hygiene: Shower every day. Use a deodorant that is antiperspirant while having an attractive smell.
    Hair: Aim to wash your hair 2-3 times a week, depending on your hair type. If you feel like your hair is oily and you didn't have time to shower the night before or in the morning before school don't be scared to wash your hair in the sink. Guys hate oily hair. Choose a hairstyle suitable for the day. Ponytails, pigtails, side ponys, plaits, french plaits, straightening and scrunching are good for school. Try accessorizing with bright clips, ribbons (very chic and fashionable), hairbands and scrunchies. Keep stray hairs in place with bobby pins.
    Make-up: Try using mineral make-up, as they don't clog up pores and are better for your skin. For daytime, use pale colours for eyes, cheeks and lips and only wear foundation/powder/concealer if you feel necessary. For nightime or hanging with friends, feel free to use dark and bright colours.
    Clothes that suit your figure, that make you happy and make you feel confident, confidence is attractive and draw people toward you.
    Voila! People will be tripping at your feet in no time!
  • But most of all, you have to be COMFORTABLE with yourself before you make changes to your face and body. Without feeling happy with yourself, you won't be able to pull off a look. JUST REMEMBER: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE!